Chiesa della Madonna dell'Orto

3512 Cannareggio Venezia

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The Church of Madonna dell'Orto in Venice, located in the Cannaregio district, is a stunning example of Venetian Gothic architecture. Built around 1340, it was originally dedicated to Saint Christopher, the patron saint of travelers. The church became widely known for the miraculous statue of the Virgin Mary found in a nearby garden, giving rise to its current name.

Madonna dell'Orto is particularly famous for its association with Jacopo Tintoretto, one of Venice's most influential artists, who lived nearby and painted several works for the church. His masterpiece, "Last Judgment," dominates the church's interior.

Visiting Information:

  • Opening Hours:
    Monday to Saturday: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    Sunday: Closed
  • Admission: €3.00